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09 Oct 2020 14:30:58
Stasney going back to the Jets for Carl Dahlstrom and a 4th.
That should fix your 2nd line C

Thunder Turkey

1.) 09 Oct 2020 15:06:58
I wasn't a fan of bringing Stastny back, but for this price I can't complain. He should work out well for the year.

2.) 09 Oct 2020 16:31:33
The Jets got Stastny and dumped Dahlstrom and his $850 000 per cap hit. In a year hopefully Perfetti will be ready to step in for Stastny.

3.) 09 Oct 2020 18:01:05
Weren’t you guys expecting Krebs+ for Vegas to dump Statsny?

4.) 09 Oct 2020 18:02:15
Cole Perfetti will not be ready in a year but he will be a great player eventually.

5.) 09 Oct 2020 18:02:41
Read your comment wrong Marcus. You expected Krebs or a 1st for them to dump him.

6.) 09 Oct 2020 18:06:18
Not much left in cap space after Stasney for any help on defense though.

7.) 09 Oct 2020 18:23:56
guess ‘Stastny +1st/ Krebs/ Glass for D/ E Prospect or 7th’ is dead, lol.

8.) 09 Oct 2020 19:12:00
Nope. No jet fan said they expected Vegas to have to give up a 1st or Krebs to move Stastny.

9.) 09 Oct 2020 19:13:18
Yes, the Jets still have plenty of cap to sign D help.

10.) 09 Oct 2020 20:35:07
The Jets still have about $8 mil cap space not including Little's $5.5 mil LTIR cap saving. They still have to sign Roslovic, Appleton, Harkins and Niku so they could have about $5 mil at the end of the day.

11.) 09 Oct 2020 21:11:16
Jets have 4 million in cap space and can be up to 8.15 over cap during offseason. As long as they only go over the cap by littles contract minus $1 with whatever players they sign or trade for they will be fine. At midnight of day 1 regular season they put little on LTIR and are at 81.49. Littles roster space must be filled by any player not on Winnipeg’s roster at that moment and doesn’t exceed littles cap hit. Thus now they can play with lineup exceeding cap without getting penalized.

That means they have littles contract value plus their remaining cap space right now to spend how they want.

So Winnipeg is in a great spot now. Petro @ 9 is durable. Would he?

12.) 09 Oct 2020 21:42:33
It would be great to get Petro but I can't see him coming to the Jets unless he wants his family to live in a low C-19 city.

13.) 09 Oct 2020 22:19:22
AP would be nice, but realistically there is no chance he signs with Winnipeg.

14.) 10 Oct 2020 00:24:27
if jets can sign hamonic to a decent contract, maybe get barrie as well on a 1 year deal for cheap to raise his stock, then it looks good.

I know barrie is not the best defensively, but the jets forward play well defensively, and hellebyuk is great. Barrie breaking out on the power play would make him worth a ton in 2021. Feeding the jets top 6 forwards will help barrie's numbers.



19 Feb 2020 19:29:40
LA: Martinez
VGK: 2RP 2020, 2RP 2021


Thunder Turkey



23 Jan 2020 20:59:18
Just saw a possible trade of:

3rd round pick


Thunder Turkey

1.) 23 Jan 2020 21:55:59
Considering contract I’m thinking it’s Grubauer > Price….

2.) 23 Jan 2020 23:25:38
Hope not.

3.) 24 Jan 2020 01:15:34
I’m a documented price fan, I don’t think I’d pull the trigger on this as a aves fan. I think Byram will be a top pairing d man and I think Grubauer is a good goalie when healthy. Maybe if the aves were sending kaut or Newhook instead of Byram but that probably doesn’t meet Montreal’s need. I’m torn I just think they shouldn’t give up Byram when their window is just opening and will be open for a few years at least.

4.) 24 Jan 2020 05:47:04
Yeah I'd take that.

5.) 24 Jan 2020 13:26:21
Sosa I think you’d be crazy to not drop all that cap while getting a slightly younger quality goalie and a blue chip D prospect. It would help the rebuild a ton and it could potentially not make the team much worse in the short term.

6.) 24 Jan 2020 16:44:39
I know Ebs. guess my loyalty sometimes gets in the way. I do like Bowen Byram., the kid grew up jus 2 blocks over from me.,
Jus the thought of Price going to Avalanche, feels like when Roy left. that one still stings.

7.) 24 Jan 2020 17:03:02
No way Colorado do this. They are comfortable with the goalies they have and it makes no sens for them to trade away a potential top 2 D man for an aging expensive goalie. This coming from a Habs fan who would make this trade 100% if Sakic offers it.

8.) 24 Jan 2020 19:18:42
Lmao Price doesn’t get close to Byram. No one wants an above average goalie making 10Mil a year. No team will ever win a cup paying a goalie that much.



20 Nov 2019 20:47:35
Sounds like Babcock is out. I really didn't think that was going to happen to be honest.

Thunder Turkey

1.) 20 Nov 2019 21:16:11
Why didn't Dubas the GM make the announcement?

2.) 20 Nov 2019 21:19:48
Surprised they didn’t make some kinda of shake up trade first, even a minor one, or fire an assistant coach. What’s Babs, like 3.25 seasons into an 8 year $50M deal? He must have really really lost that room for them to bring in a rookie coach to try and take over this team a quarter into the season.
Dubas should be gone as well, he’ll be next tho.

3.) 20 Nov 2019 21:31:34
Dubas has been the GM for just over a year. He should get a little more time no?

4.) 20 Nov 2019 22:10:17
The GM is the GM. He’s made all these signings and trades, he’s put together this team that has let Babcock down. That’s a pretty lame excuse donscherry.

5.) 21 Nov 2019 01:18:00
I think Dubas is actually good tbh, I liked the Kadri trade, Kerfoot was worth Kadri imo. Overall Dubas is a gm that's stays on the safe side but wins most of his trade. Wasn't crazy about the price he paid to load off Marleau tho. I would of kept Marleau and unload salary by trading Matthews (the cancer)

6.) 21 Nov 2019 01:35:53
That’s my thoughts too yupp. Only three years in, just makes ya think the players wanted him gone.

7.) 21 Nov 2019 03:03:02
Dubas probably been pushing to get Babs out as soon as he took over as GM. He wants his man from the Soo to be him man here in Toronto too. They rise and fall together.

8.) 21 Nov 2019 03:03:59
Dubas didn’t hire Babcock, Shanahan did. That’s why Shanahan made the announcement and fired him in person.

9.) 21 Nov 2019 10:54:01
He has been in for a year and a half yupp. Most of this team was already here before Dubas got there. I think Babcock let himself down.

10.) 21 Nov 2019 20:42:17
Very lame excuse. He’s been there enough to make all these major overpaid signings and some trades that aren’t working out as planned.

11.) 22 Nov 2019 00:45:25
As soon as Babcock dropped below .500 they fired him. Think they would have given him a bit more leash.



26 Sep 2019 15:00:26
Recent report that Drouin is in the rumor mill and Habs are putting his name out there. Maybe looking for a LD?
Any thoughts?

Thunder Turkey

1.) 26 Sep 2019 15:44:31
The media has to have a scape goat I guess I mean other people haven’t look good either. besides Weber and weal the only guys who looked good were players who were not with the team last year.

2.) 26 Sep 2019 15:52:55
It's not surprising. Drouin might attract a 7/ 8 D one for one, if someone is desperate enough to take on his baggage.

Now that teams know he's on the block, Montreal can't expect very much back for him.

3.) 26 Sep 2019 16:10:58
Its ironic that you say that but completely dismiss this when it is said about Laine. pretty sure this is the same sheet WPG is going through with Laine expect Drouin is signed.

4.) 26 Sep 2019 16:28:36
It's ironic that you say that, but completely dismiss it when it is said about Drouin.

Laine is 10x the player Drouin is or ever will be.

Drouin's career year was only 3 points better than Laine's worst year when Laine played injured. Laine is 3 year's younger and has 10 less points in his career in 85 less games than Drouin. Laine scored more as an 18 year old than Drouin has ever come close to.

If Drouin isn't scoring he's worthless and he doesn't score that much. Plus Drouin is a team cancer.

5.) 26 Sep 2019 16:29:52
Didn't he have more points than Laine last season? 🤔.

6.) 26 Sep 2019 16:48:17
@ Marcus stop talking like you know anything about a players trade value lol.

7.) 26 Sep 2019 16:50:57
Nice yupp. You made yourself look like a doofus. 😄.

8.) 26 Sep 2019 17:03:39
Lol. Nahh, that's you every time you write your thoughts out then actually post them.

9.) 26 Sep 2019 17:06:10
Wait, so Drouin with more points than Laine last year is worth a 7/ 8 d man, but Laine is worth half a teams roster? Makes sense lmao. Memarcus is a clown bro xD why can’t he pull a rambo a vanish for a while?

10.) 26 Sep 2019 17:47:13
Lmao. If Laine isn't scoring he's useless and invisible you mean?

11.) 26 Sep 2019 17:52:52
I love his response to me. I didn't dismiss his evaluation of druion. He tried to flip my words on me with out a point LOL. Marcus don't you every change.

12.) 26 Sep 2019 18:03:13
I know you guys don't like comparing things on a level playing field when evaluating players. Which is why you are all so terrible at player values. But let's compare equally, even though I know you can't see past your biases.

Drouin Draft+3: 4G, 10pts, part time NHL player.

Laine Draft+3: 30G, 50pts, 110 NHL goals.

So when you evaluate with unbiased stats, it is pretty clear Drouin is garbage compared to Laine.

I await your lame brained counters.

13.) 26 Sep 2019 18:15:15
What I know about Drouin is that he has a ton of talent but at his age its disturbing that the Habs are the second team to be looking to move him. I believe that he still could be a very good player if he lands on the right team that has solid coaching and on ice leadership that can help him get the most out of his skill. I think that there will be a lot of teams that will inquire what it would take to get him out of Montreal.

14.) 26 Sep 2019 18:32:08
Memarcus dude your brutal. No one is saying Drouin is better then Laine. Not one person. The issue is you thinking he’s only worth a 7/ 8 D. And you tell everyone else they can’t evaluate players. 🤦🏻‍♀️.

15.) 26 Sep 2019 19:42:17
I was happy to see a rumor out there that we could discuss. I put the post up hoping to get some decent talks going and it goes right back to f'ing Laine within an hour.
I believe Drouin and a small add could bring in a top 4 LHD.

16.) 26 Sep 2019 20:24:25
yes but doesn't things like off ice issues. Player regression, 1 way vs two way players. or how about 1 person is currently at trainging cap and the other is not. Also one player said he wants out the other is being put on block. Tons of things go into player evaluation not just skill and previous stats. So once again you think druoin gets poo but laine gets the world. I think you need to come down on laine and come up on droiun then you have will have less sheet thrown at you for your crazy ironic evalutations.

17.) 26 Sep 2019 22:37:00
Drouin for Sergachev.

18.) 27 Sep 2019 02:43:06
Is it biased of me to use your own words against you? Riddle me this.

Zucker for drouin trade above you mention that zucker shows up every game and make it seem like drouin doesnt.

Remind you of anyone you seem to treat and value like the love child of ovechkin and selanne?

19.) 27 Sep 2019 05:02:08
Drouin for laine.

20.) 27 Sep 2019 13:17:40
Patrick Laine

Career GP = 237
G = 110
A = 74
PTS = 184

Jonathan Drouin

Career GP = 322
G = 60
A = 134
PTS = 194

So when you evaluate with unbiased stats, it is pretty clear Drouin is equal to if not better in production than Laine.

I await memarcusjoe's emotional response.




Thunder Turkey's banter posts with other poster's replies to Thunder Turkey's banter posts


24 May 2024 13:33:36
I made a draft post earlier that is on the NHL Talk page. In that proposal I noted that there were two teams I thought might try to trade down... does anyone have any trade proposal fits if CBJ or MTL traded down?

Thunder Turkey



23 May 2024 15:04:13
So... anyone want to take a guess at the draft?

SJS - M. Celebrini (Obviously)

CHI - I. Demidov (paired with Dedard, mimics the Towes/Kane Duo)

ANH - C. Lindstrom (Build the forwards with Leo)

CBJ - A. Levshunov (BAP move, makes their D core younger but could consider trading down to address their forwards)

MTL - T. Iginla (Better D are available but they are pretty young with their D core... could also trade down)

UTH - Z. Parekh (Start building a D first team)

OTT - Z. Buium (Builds a good young core of D with Chabot, Brannstrom and Sanderson)

SEA - C. Eiserman (This could be the sniper they need)

CAL - A. Silayev (Big D to help control their back end and could fall to this place)

NJD - C. Yakemchuk (He could be the RD pair to Hughes)

Thunder Turkey

1.) 25 May 2024 13:21:23
I'm really hoping that Demidov falls to 5, or that Habs can select Lindstrom. I am still not sold on Iggys kid yet.

2.) 27 May 2024 16:13:17
I agree Sosa, that is kinda why I'm thinking if Demidov and Lindstrom are drafted earlier, they could try and trade down in the draft. I don't remember top 5 picks trading down, but it might work for CBJ and MTL this year.



28 Sep 2022 14:38:38
Do we have a hockey pool rolling this year?

Thunder Turkey

1.) 29 Sep 2022 22:20:06
Haven't heard anything . I think Triplets ( Drais) usually posts something on here at start of season, but I haven't seen him on here for quite some time.

2.) 30 Sep 2022 00:48:25
yea i dunno if drais still comes here or not, i barely do, but im always up for fantasy hockey.

3.) 02 Oct 2022 00:33:00
Yes there is one.



05 Jul 2021 17:20:13
Ducharme sitting KK tonight just doesn't make sense to me. He has played some great 2 way hockey.

Thunder Turkey

1.) 05 Jul 2021 22:26:34
I completely agree Turkey. Glad to see Romanov in, and Gustafson finally out.

2.) 06 Jul 2021 01:46:52
I agree with this premise as well plus it would only help Kotkanemi’s development playing in critical games.

I liked Romanov so far tonight as he’s playing with a puck moving energy that helps their transition.

3.) 08 Jul 2021 20:17:13
From a Tampa fan perspective, I was disappointed to see Montreal play a real 3rd pair because it makes it that much tougher for the lightning. Definitely the right move. Sitting KK didn’t make sense to me though he’s been good.



25 Nov 2020 19:25:26
Sergachev signed for $4.8M x 3 years.

Pretty good deal! Might be getting a decent raise after that too.

Thunder Turkey

1.) 25 Nov 2020 22:59:43
I think that's a fair deal. He will still be an RFA after this deal?

2.) 26 Nov 2020 15:02:24
I believe he has another 2 years after this deal to be RFA. Similar to what Laine did with his bridge deal.

3.) 28 Nov 2020 14:54:29
4.8M per for a top pairing D sounds good to me. Solid start to solving our cap situation this off-season. TB making it official now also indicates that a move for Johnson or whoever might be coming soon, imo.

4.) 28 Nov 2020 21:21:20
Top Pairing Dman seams like a stretch title for Sergachev at this point. Does he have potential to get there? Absolutely! However right now he got paid like his current role of Top 4 Dman. I like Sergachev and believe he will only get better, just need to not rush that high status until he earns it.

5.) 28 Nov 2020 21:57:08
I think on most teams, the kid is a top pairing D man. Tampa is just so deep, that he doesn't need to be that.

6.) 29 Nov 2020 06:44:42
He’s 2nd pair on most teams in the league. Tampa is not deep after Hedman.

7.) 01 Dec 2020 10:21:00
TB is not deep after Hedman?
Hedman, Sergy, McDonagh, Cernak is literally a Top 3 Top 4 in the league, but okay.

And yes, he is a top pairing D right now. Top pair means top 62 D league wide. Name 62 D you'd take over Sergachev, I'll wait. I have numbers to support my claim, too, if you're interested.

Sergachev really took a huge step halfway thru last season and was the Bolts 2nd best D in the playoffs, which is an okay spot to be in when Hedman is #1.

8.) 01 Dec 2020 15:11:32
Yeah ok I’m not even going to attempt to argue too much with you cause your a bigger homer then memarcus for Pete sake but one thing just because there are 62 top pairing positions in the league doesn’t mean there are actually 62 true top pair dman. But I’d bet I could easily pick 50 who are better then serg right now, now that doesn’t mean 50 who have more trade value just who are better right now. an example of this would be Duncan Keith for example. mcdonagah was barely a true top pair dman in his prime which he isn’t close to now. And cernak is a decent number 4 or 5.serg right now is a number 3 at best I’d have him a good 4 with the potential of being a top pair. who else rounds out that 3rd best score in the league? Lol schenn and coburn? Nice ones.

9.) 03 Dec 2020 05:57:39
McDonagh is a top pair dman for sure he’s very defensively sound and Serg is a lower end 2D that’s growing. Before Habby gets bashed about Keith i'd also take Keith in a playoff series last year over Sergechev. But that has more to due with overall value he’d bring to the team rather then skill alone. Keith is still a great hockey player imo with that being said he’s a high end number 3 who raises his game in playoffs.

10.) 03 Dec 2020 06:42:58
Yeah I’m just saying there are a lot better right now then serg in 2 years he might be a top 30 in the league but he ain’t there yet there are 50 dmen I’d rather take in a 7 game series for sure.

11.) 03 Dec 2020 06:44:43
And McDonagh is not a true top pair dman I don’t consider him as good as petry or muzzin and they are both borderline imo.

12.) 05 Dec 2020 15:34:46
I’d 100% take McDonagh over Muzzin on the leafs. I also think McDonagh over Petry easily. Weber and McDdonagh would be dangerous.

13.) 06 Dec 2020 05:27:45
I’m glad your not a GM then.




Thunder Turkey's rumour replies


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10 Jul 2024 14:42:47
Too much from MTL. they don't need Ehlers in their rebuild. Ehlers should be somewhere contending now at 28.

Thunder Turkey



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28 Jun 2024 13:44:17
Askarov isn't going anywhere.

Thunder Turkey



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18 Jun 2024 18:55:47
Konecny only has one year left until he is a UFA. it isn't that far off.

Thunder Turkey



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18 Jun 2024 18:32:40
You can only retain 50% and each team can only have (i think) 3 contracts which they retain on.

Thunder Turkey



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12 Jun 2024 16:10:16
Take out Reinbacher.

Thunder Turkey




Thunder Turkey's banter replies


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27 May 2024 16:13:17
I agree Sosa, that is kinda why I'm thinking if Demidov and Lindstrom are drafted earlier, they could try and trade down in the draft. I don't remember top 5 picks trading down, but it might work for CBJ and MTL this year.

Thunder Turkey



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24 May 2024 15:25:40
I don't think he will fall down that far. It would be nice though!

Thunder Turkey



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10 May 2024 13:39:01
Sounds like they took Brind'Amour offer off the table. I would be surprised if they moved on from him. but if they did he would do great in WPG or in TOR.

Thunder Turkey



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10 May 2024 13:37:15
I was in it previously, but didn't see it renew this year.

Thunder Turkey



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21 Feb 2024 13:50:46
I think he has potential, but not their best player. I really think the habs will have depth and balance, but star players never really happen. Price was their star.

Thunder Turkey