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27 Feb 2024 11:10:09
Det kasper wallinder 1st 2024

Stl - buchnevich.


1.) 27 Feb 2024 13:39:14
Interesting deal here @redwing1.

2.) 27 Feb 2024 15:44:55
I dont like having Kasper in this trade, I'd rather include Berggren but overall this is a good package.

3.) 27 Feb 2024 15:55:09
Does it work. I think ita truly a fair deal. Top line winger who os ppg and 30 goal scorer and another year left. For former first wallinder which has top 4 potential and 1st 2024.

4.) 28 Feb 2024 02:01:55
Cant believe no one is really disagreeing with me. Very rare everyone thinks its good.

5.) 01 Mar 2024 13:10:09
It's a good trade idea man. Like DrwDave said I think they'd probably rather hold onto Kasper. But it's an aggressive offer and would give them another weapon upfront.



21 Feb 2024 07:10:03
Stl - parayko

Tor - nemeilA, 2024 1st, knies.


1.) 21 Feb 2024 10:58:37
It would be a huge mistake to trade Knies



25 Apr 2023 08:41:50
Buf- 13 ova 2024 2nd rights to Ryan Johnson

Stl- Colton parayko.


1.) 25 Apr 2023 16:20:48
First of all, he had a no trade clause.

Secondly, he just signed an 8 year, 6.5 million AAV extension.

Thirdly, I think Buffalo would be better off developing what they have, rather than the risk of this contract in the long term.



22 Feb 2023 17:30:15
Stl - barbashev 50%

Edm - bourgault 2nd 2024.


1.) 22 Feb 2023 21:15:47
Haven’t seen what the rumoured price for Barbashev is but I think the 2nd would be close to enough. Would hate to add Bourgault for a 40 point player.

2.) 22 Feb 2023 22:08:36
Too much for EDM, I doubt they make the trade. Barbashev is a solid 3rd liner but if that's STL's asking price, I think they'll pass

3.) 26 Feb 2023 04:07:42
St Louis is going to need to take a bigger salary back to make this work.



22 Feb 2023 17:29:00
Edm - 1st 2023 bouchard petrov

Stl - parayko.


1.) 22 Feb 2023 19:04:25
What salary are the Blues taking back Colt?

2.) 22 Feb 2023 21:17:17
I’d prefer to stick it out with Bouchard and hope he reaches his potential. Could be a 2-4 RHD. Parayko is a scary contract to take on.

3.) 23 Feb 2023 03:54:08
6.5 is scary compared to 10 for Nurse lmfao.

4.) 23 Feb 2023 03:55:38
Also buchard is 4.9 parayko is 6.5. There 8s 1.5 difference. If blues need to take a small dump for 1 year then send it.

5.) 23 Feb 2023 16:08:37
Bouchard is on his ELC. No one said Nurse is a good contract. His issue is more his AAV, Parayko’s is age/ term which is scarier IMO. There’s a good reason why the Blue will trade Parayko for likely almost anything they can get.




redwing1's banter posts with other poster's replies to redwing1's banter posts


05 Jan 2020 22:01:32
Drais for bracco who adds?


1.) 06 Jan 2020 16:51:40
Drais Capricone for Jeramy Bracco? Buffalo takes that and runs.

2.) 07 Jan 2020 01:54:51
Because of age and contract Edm adds at least a 1st and B prospect, no prospect of Edm retains 3.69M
Bracco has 57 goal 65 point potential and will be elite for at least one season.



25 Dec 2019 04:06:44
Merry christmas.


1.) 25 Dec 2019 13:27:12
Same to you.

2.) 25 Dec 2019 15:52:36
Merry Christmas! 🎄.



09 Sep 2019 22:04:58
If you could have two dmen who would you chose


Apparently the leaf boards think muzzin is just as good as petro.


1.) 10 Sep 2019 02:27:15
Hahahah Muzzin was terrible the bunch I watched him last year as a Leaf. Maybe he’ll bounce back this year with Barrie as a partner, they seem to be friends off the ice and liked playing with each other at world championships. That could be a good pairing if he bounces back, I really like Barrie. But yaaaaa, they are complete Homer’s if they would take him over Parayko or Petro right now.
If Muzzin wasn’t a Leaf I bet they wouldn’t think that 😂😂.

2.) 10 Sep 2019 03:08:06
You should stop going to leaf boards tank, they seem to upset you. I’m a leaf fan and I don’t even look there.

3.) 10 Sep 2019 03:16:01
Maybe if you spend less time on Leafs boards they will occupy less space in your head.

4.) 10 Sep 2019 03:32:54
Oh my god, are you implying that a board that's filled with Leaf fans are over-valuing their player? That can't be!

5.) 10 Sep 2019 12:19:45
Both Blues obv, Muzzin is also good tho.

6.) 10 Sep 2019 12:32:43
Honestly I get a kick out of going there and seeing some of the overvaluing that goes on. I just wanted to make sure my bias wasn't getting in the way of my thought process. They seemed very adamant that Muzzin Was better than both. I know I Am very bias so like I said I just wanted to make sure I was trying to be objective.

7.) 10 Sep 2019 12:49:49
ON a side note apparently advanced stats say that muzzin is better than petro I haven't found those stats yet but I am sure if I keep digging i will find them right.

8.) 10 Sep 2019 14:37:20
The Leafs forum is a joke soetimes with like MAtyhews for Ovechkin proposals and stuff, so trying to flaunt that Petro>Muzzin because some leaf homer said otherwise doesn’t really say s***.

And yupp, u really think Muzz was bad? He was the best leaf dman in the playoffs and was a solid add imo.

9.) 10 Sep 2019 15:52:01
He was terrible when he came over. The games I watched and Leafs fans even complaining about trading a first for him. Didn’t notice him in the playoffs myself. He’s poised for a good year this year in my opinion tho.



06 Sep 2019 11:38:53
Tor- kappenan

Edm- Larsson.


1.) 06 Sep 2019 13:45:55
Oilers say no, it’s like trading Hall for Kapanen. That’s so bad.

2.) 06 Sep 2019 15:12:51
Lol the bad part was trading Hall for Larsson. It’s over and done with.

3.) 07 Sep 2019 07:57:31
@unsportsmanlike, that’s true lol. Just still feel like it would be another L for Edmonton to trade Larsson for Kapanen despite his upside.



25 Jul 2019 17:09:31
Just thought i would drop this treasure here for the Leafs board.

PhI- Patrick, frost, sanheim, provorov

Tor- Marner, Muzzin, holl, petan

This has to be one of the most one sided trades i have ever seen. The funny is they are defending it as Marner is the elite winger, Muzzin is better than both provorv and sanhiem. Then they said frost and Patrick were maybe nhl players lol.


1.) 25 Jul 2019 17:45:36
ya but how u know they actual leafs fans?

maybe they just st louis fans who stopped rooting for the team when they played bad and jumped on another teams bandwagon.

2.) 25 Jul 2019 20:50:29
What team do you root for oh yeah not the cup champions. Have a glorious day.

3.) 26 Jul 2019 00:46:47
Oh my. The leafs fans on here aren't that bad, most of them are actually quite reasonable

4.) 26 Jul 2019 13:08:26
Go look at fantasy teams section that should destroy all credibility.

5.) 26 Jul 2019 14:42:27
You don't root for the cup champions colt. your name is now redwing1. your obviously a Detroit fan.

6.) 26 Jul 2019 16:21:23
I never had creditability, Also don't be jealous about the blues winning the cup. Doesn't suite you very well.

7.) 26 Jul 2019 19:11:06
You’re just jealous the Canucks got both the Sedins in the 1999 draft Redwing.

8.) 26 Jul 2019 20:00:51
Vbb aren't you a leafs fans i'm confused? You do talk highly of zib so i'm going to say your a rangers fan?

9.) 26 Jul 2019 20:06:38
I am jealous and perturbed at the same time. The sedin sisters never brought the cup to Vancouver. That was a very talented team. They even knocked the blues out of their first playoff return since the checkets group bought the blues from the Walton dbag.

10.) 26 Jul 2019 20:43:31
Yah I’m a leafs fan I thought we’re all just making irrelevant statements so I gave it a shot.

11.) 26 Jul 2019 23:48:03
@vbbbvvbb ok i thought you were a leafs fan ahah thanks i was confused good team to root for




redwing1's rumour replies


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21 Jun 2024 22:42:44
This is horrible for blued. He will garner more than markstrom. But why would blues trade him. why.




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24 Mar 2024 22:27:06
Blues may get a sign and trade for buch at draft.




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19 Mar 2024 02:31:17
That doesnt get you parayko or buch by itself.




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08 Mar 2024 22:18:23
Honestly, tor just doesn't have what it takes to make that trade not at all.




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08 Mar 2024 17:31:44
Parayko will cost willander plus 1st 2024 and also if money coming back probably another 1st. Why do teams trade #1rhd in the nhl on term. They dont.





redwing1's banter replies


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20 Feb 2020 12:09:28
Yup what's the old adage. Takes one to know one.

Brah you a huge homer too. Lol.




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31 Dec 2019 21:55:20
Also if you are going to make Crosby a generational talent you have to include ovechkin

Nhl totals
G 682 a 587 p 1249

G451 a782 p1233.




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31 Dec 2019 21:50:04
Whether he is first or next. I just don't see him winning a cup.




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30 Dec 2019 19:39:45
Mcdavid will be the next generational player to never win a cup!




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17 Dec 2019 16:12:34
Oh yeah you got me real goid snowflake
#yupp triggered lol.
